Sooo.....who is reading the Percy Jackson Series? What have you thought of each book so far? Did you know that a guide to this series The Demi God Files comes out this February? Also, the last book in the Series-The Olympian will come out this May 2009. I think we should have a book release party at the library-and give away copies. How does that sound? Would you come to that? Give me your thoughts and ideas about all of this!
http://www.percyjacksonbooks.com/ -Here is the link to the series website!
-Yours Truly
AW the Children's Librarian
I love this series!!!! I read all the books from 1-4 and I am sooooo excited about the fifth book! And the movie! (I saw it on wikipedia) 2010! Woooo! My fave character is Tyson even though he’s a Cyclops, he is so sweet and nice! I was so sad when they thought he was dead in book 2! And when everyone saw he was alive, I almost brang the roof down!and then he leaves? But he comes back in the fourth book so now I’m wondering if he will be in “the last olympian”! if he isn’t or if he dies then someone will be very sorry! (rick riordan)
It was definantly a good series however it seems it has been left open for riordan to move on and do another series of heros besides percy jackson.My only qualm so the cconstant repeated info to keep kids up to task on who the characters were from the last book...
Yes I was also thinking he left the series open.I read the fifth book and it left me wondering what he will do with it.
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