The library is hosting writer's workshops this summer, in addition to the contest-to inspire our young authors and get them creating something special. Below is a news release article from our favorite bilingual buddy, Lorzeno, about those very writer's workshops!
Breaking News from Lorenzo’s News Service
July 13, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Monroe-Heavy Brainstorms battered the craft room of the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library inundating patrons in the Children’s Library with creatures from the deep. Patrons reported robotic fish, miniscule green people, and hot air balloons resembling blowfish, emerge from the craft room in the library’s lower level. Shortly after 2:30 PM, several sharks in the vicinity reported serious dental pain resulting from biting down on robotic fish. Chaotic reports emerged from correspondents of uncovering documents exhibiting lack of punctuation and the inclusion of incomplete sentences. Documents including few details were also noted. Authorities attributed the unusual reporting due to rough drafts emanating from the conference suite of the 4-6th grade writers workshop, a.k.a., The Craft Room.
Unauthorized spokespersons for the writers’ group, who beg to remain anonymous, allege that they were encouraged to toss out the rules and just get their stories down on paper. Unverified reports note that a woman’s straw hat was passed to collect time-taking metaphors, similes, descriptive language, and the authors’ worries and insecurities that the writers’ stories were not worthy of publication. After an hour long flurry of transcribing narratives to hard copy, writers packed their Writers’ Toolbox Folders and left the area at approximately 3:00PM, or 3:04 or 2:59PM.
According to the spokesperson for the group, none of the clocks in the vicinity ticked in unison, leading the writers to speculate on the merits of a story , in which time does not stand still, nor does it stand together with its colleagues-the time reporting machines, also known as clocks, housed in EWML.
Lorenzo’s News Service has received information stating that the cataloging department has been advised of the inconsistent filing of seconds, minutes and hours. Authorities have declined to comment at the time of filing this report. The extended forecast warnings for the area predict clouds with a chance of brainstorms for Thursday morning. Patrons of EWML are advised to avoid the vicinity of the craft room between 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM unless they are adequately prepared for flooding conditions and the flow of prevailing imagination, revision and editing storms.
Stay tuned to www. EWML.LNS.com, your breaking literary news source, for further Make Waves warnings.