While many parents know that ages zero through six/seven is key in the development of young minds, many might not be aware that within that time window, ages zero to three has it's own unique development growth opportunity. "Early experiences have a decisive impact on the architecture of the brain, and on the nature and extent of adult capacities." (Shore, 1997.) Schools, day care and libraries try very hard to continually expound this message through early literacy type activities in story, play and class times. However, parental involvement is more than key in this development. Your baby or toddler needs your help in becoming the best version of themselves. The library has many books & resources about this topic. But, I'd like to share some websites that are of particular use.
Zero-Three: http://www.zerotothree.org/ A national organization that aims to improve the lives of infants and toddlers. Includes some really cool interactive tools that show you how your child's brain is developing, and what activities you can do to continue that development!
Reading Rockets: http://www.readingrockets.org/audience/parents This national multimedia project offers information and resources on how young kids learn to read and why so many struggle. It has a phenominal parents page with FREE resources and activities.
Every Child Ready to Read: http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/alsc/ecrr/index2.cfm Although geared for library training, this website has multitudes of information on why from birth to 3, and then to 6, is key in developing young minds. Clear pictures of brain synapses being formed, bring the issue home.
National Center for Family Literacy:
http://www.famlit.org/free-resources/ NCFL's mission is to create a literate nation by leveraging the power of the family. The link included takes you directly to the parent's page, so you can download FREE activities, resources, guides etc.
Want some cool/educational toys to help you with your at home learning? Try these toy stores:
Constructive Playthings http://www.cptoys.com/
Folkmanis http://www.folkmanis.com/
Lakeshore Learning http://www.lakeshorelearning.com/
Best of luck!
Adrienne, Children's Librarian
Monday, December 13, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Flotsam Writing Contest-Is Your Child Participating?

The library is hosting writer's workshops this summer, in addition to the contest-to inspire our young authors and get them creating something special. Below is a news release article from our favorite bilingual buddy, Lorzeno, about those very writer's workshops!
Breaking News from Lorenzo’s News Service
July 13, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Monroe-Heavy Brainstorms battered the craft room of the Edith Wheeler Memorial Library inundating patrons in the Children’s Library with creatures from the deep. Patrons reported robotic fish, miniscule green people, and hot air balloons resembling blowfish, emerge from the craft room in the library’s lower level. Shortly after 2:30 PM, several sharks in the vicinity reported serious dental pain resulting from biting down on robotic fish. Chaotic reports emerged from correspondents of uncovering documents exhibiting lack of punctuation and the inclusion of incomplete sentences. Documents including few details were also noted. Authorities attributed the unusual reporting due to rough drafts emanating from the conference suite of the 4-6th grade writers workshop, a.k.a., The Craft Room.
Unauthorized spokespersons for the writers’ group, who beg to remain anonymous, allege that they were encouraged to toss out the rules and just get their stories down on paper. Unverified reports note that a woman’s straw hat was passed to collect time-taking metaphors, similes, descriptive language, and the authors’ worries and insecurities that the writers’ stories were not worthy of publication. After an hour long flurry of transcribing narratives to hard copy, writers packed their Writers’ Toolbox Folders and left the area at approximately 3:00PM, or 3:04 or 2:59PM.
According to the spokesperson for the group, none of the clocks in the vicinity ticked in unison, leading the writers to speculate on the merits of a story , in which time does not stand still, nor does it stand together with its colleagues-the time reporting machines, also known as clocks, housed in EWML.
Lorenzo’s News Service has received information stating that the cataloging department has been advised of the inconsistent filing of seconds, minutes and hours. Authorities have declined to comment at the time of filing this report. The extended forecast warnings for the area predict clouds with a chance of brainstorms for Thursday morning. Patrons of EWML are advised to avoid the vicinity of the craft room between 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM unless they are adequately prepared for flooding conditions and the flow of prevailing imagination, revision and editing storms.
Stay tuned to www. EWML.LNS.com, your breaking literary news source, for further Make Waves warnings.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Summer Fun
Hello Parents,
Well, the time is almost here. Our summer reading kick-off program is this Saturday, June 19 from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM. More information about that here: http://www.ewml.org/children.htm
Did you know you can print up the Monroe School Reading Lists right from our Children's Home Page? Yes : http://www.monroeps.org/summerreading.aspx
Also, here is a link to some local summer stuff that you can do with your kids! http://www.kidsevents.com/search/search.cfm
Hope you all have a wonderful summer and we'll chat again soon!
Children's Librarian
Well, the time is almost here. Our summer reading kick-off program is this Saturday, June 19 from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM. More information about that here: http://www.ewml.org/children.htm
Did you know you can print up the Monroe School Reading Lists right from our Children's Home Page? Yes : http://www.monroeps.org/summerreading.aspx
Also, here is a link to some local summer stuff that you can do with your kids! http://www.kidsevents.com/search/search.cfm
Hope you all have a wonderful summer and we'll chat again soon!
Children's Librarian
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Summer Reading is on the Way
No one needs to tell parents how important it is that their children continue to read over the summer. Children learn so much during the school year, and library summer reading programs are truly meant to help continue that learning process so that kids are ready to return to school in the fall.
The Edith Wheeler Memorial Library's summer reading program officially begins Saturday, June 19 with our kick-off program: Chalk It Up 2! But, parents and kids are welcome all summer long to check out all we have to offer and register for the reading program.
This year we are so lucky to have so many wonderful community sponsors!
Chuck E. Cheese of Danbury
Sports Look of Monroe
Dr. Mike's of Monroe
Cold Stone Creamery of Newtown
Pizzeria Uno's of Milford
Cycle Fitness of Monroe
The Bridgeport Bluefish
Athletic & Outdoor Sports of Shelton
Shelton Sports Center
The Beardsley Zoo
Monroe Parks and Recreation
The Bridgeport Sound Tigers
Skatetime of Monroe
Quassy Amusement Park
McDonald's of Monroe
Rita's of Bridgeport
Linda's Storytime of Monroe
Sal's Family Restaurant of Monroe
Jennie's Pizzeria of Monroe
So get ready to have your kids reading for fun and learning-and earning some great prizes along the way!
See you soon.
Children's Librarian
The Edith Wheeler Memorial Library's summer reading program officially begins Saturday, June 19 with our kick-off program: Chalk It Up 2! But, parents and kids are welcome all summer long to check out all we have to offer and register for the reading program.
This year we are so lucky to have so many wonderful community sponsors!
Chuck E. Cheese of Danbury
Sports Look of Monroe
Dr. Mike's of Monroe
Cold Stone Creamery of Newtown
Pizzeria Uno's of Milford
Cycle Fitness of Monroe
The Bridgeport Bluefish
Athletic & Outdoor Sports of Shelton
Shelton Sports Center
The Beardsley Zoo
Monroe Parks and Recreation
The Bridgeport Sound Tigers
Skatetime of Monroe
Quassy Amusement Park
McDonald's of Monroe
Rita's of Bridgeport
Linda's Storytime of Monroe
Sal's Family Restaurant of Monroe
Jennie's Pizzeria of Monroe
So get ready to have your kids reading for fun and learning-and earning some great prizes along the way!
See you soon.
Children's Librarian
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hollywood Reads to You!
There are so many great resources out there on the web-especially when it comes to the virtual story hour! Yes, I said Virtual. Can't make it to your local library for story time? No worries! Check out Story Line Online.
Here, actors and actresses read aloud wonderful children's books-and included are printable activities for you and your child. What more could you want? A show and lesson all in one.
I was recently given this link by a fellow librarian, and found it very neat. I hope you like it.
-Adrienne Wilson
Children's Librarian
Here, actors and actresses read aloud wonderful children's books-and included are printable activities for you and your child. What more could you want? A show and lesson all in one.
I was recently given this link by a fellow librarian, and found it very neat. I hope you like it.
-Adrienne Wilson
Children's Librarian
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Consumer Safety Recalls
Now that I'm going to be a parent too, I'm suddenly aware of all the recalls that the government has on many baby/child products that I might be going to purchase. How to keep up with all this information you may ask? I'm asking the same thing! Well, here's one way! You can sign up to the Consumer Product Safety Recalls Subscription List. Sign up for free, and you'll get emailed everytime there is a recall on something. Sign up for all product recalls, or just those types that interest you (children's products, sports products, household products etc.) Sign up by going to the on-line form for CPSC Subscription Lists at www.cpsc.gov/cpsclist.aspx.
And you can unsubscribe at anytime.
Children's Librarian
And you can unsubscribe at anytime.
Children's Librarian
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
NEW! Kidspeak Language Learning System

“Kidspeak Spanish”
Transparent Language
USB drive, interactive language immersion program
On line tutorials and parents’ guide (English)
Printable activity pages and parents guide (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
J 468.3421 KIDSPEAK
¡Madres y padres, niños, hola!
Permitame to introduce you to my new friend at EWML! She can’t wait to meet your family. Her name is Pepa and you will find her in the new Spanish/English bilingual section. Just look for the DVD-size case titled “Kidspeak Spanish” and bring it to the circulation desk. Check out our new USB drive program and hang on to your sombrero!
¡Qué chica traviesa! When Pepa enseña (teaches) español, you learn Spanish while you play! It’s so easy! Los niños can gallop with mischievous Pepa and her caballo (horse) from one interactive video game to the next, or los padres can join in. The printable parents’ guide (English) has some great suggestions for using both the program and the printable activity pages.
“Kidspeak Spanish” includes activities for ages *3 and up. Pre-readers can click to “color” a page on line, or click to pack Pepa’s macuto (backpack) with school supplies. The youngest niños can simply click on the pictures to hear Pepa *repeat the names of colors, animals, clothing, numbers, and sing along with the songs included with each activity.
Pepa’s cool! This saucy señorita’s antics really appeal to older niños, too! Readers can immerse themselves in puzzles, bingo, tic, tac, toe, word scrambles, learn to add and subtract, tell time, and mucho más.
Por favor, check out “Kidspeak Spanish!” Let Pepa put a smile on your face in an uno, dos, tres.
Uno (1): plug in the “Kidspeak Spanish”USB key.
Dos (2): Click on “Run”
Tres (3): ¡Diviertanse! Have fun!
Tu amigo,
*Padres, a few words may sound different if you are familiar with South American Spanish pronunciation. Pepa pronounces her c’s and z’s as they are pronounced in Spain. Click on the Reference icon, where the words are written next to the pictures, to help make the transition.
*The “Kidspeak Spanish” target audience starts at age three. Pepa speaks quickly. Some three-year-olds may be more comfortable with a less peppery cartoon personality.
Transparent Language
USB drive, interactive language immersion program
On line tutorials and parents’ guide (English)
Printable activity pages and parents guide (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
J 468.3421 KIDSPEAK
¡Madres y padres, niños, hola!
Permitame to introduce you to my new friend at EWML! She can’t wait to meet your family. Her name is Pepa and you will find her in the new Spanish/English bilingual section. Just look for the DVD-size case titled “Kidspeak Spanish” and bring it to the circulation desk. Check out our new USB drive program and hang on to your sombrero!
¡Qué chica traviesa! When Pepa enseña (teaches) español, you learn Spanish while you play! It’s so easy! Los niños can gallop with mischievous Pepa and her caballo (horse) from one interactive video game to the next, or los padres can join in. The printable parents’ guide (English) has some great suggestions for using both the program and the printable activity pages.
“Kidspeak Spanish” includes activities for ages *3 and up. Pre-readers can click to “color” a page on line, or click to pack Pepa’s macuto (backpack) with school supplies. The youngest niños can simply click on the pictures to hear Pepa *repeat the names of colors, animals, clothing, numbers, and sing along with the songs included with each activity.
Pepa’s cool! This saucy señorita’s antics really appeal to older niños, too! Readers can immerse themselves in puzzles, bingo, tic, tac, toe, word scrambles, learn to add and subtract, tell time, and mucho más.
Por favor, check out “Kidspeak Spanish!” Let Pepa put a smile on your face in an uno, dos, tres.
Uno (1): plug in the “Kidspeak Spanish”USB key.
Dos (2): Click on “Run”
Tres (3): ¡Diviertanse! Have fun!
Tu amigo,
*Padres, a few words may sound different if you are familiar with South American Spanish pronunciation. Pepa pronounces her c’s and z’s as they are pronounced in Spain. Click on the Reference icon, where the words are written next to the pictures, to help make the transition.
*The “Kidspeak Spanish” target audience starts at age three. Pepa speaks quickly. Some three-year-olds may be more comfortable with a less peppery cartoon personality.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Dad Who Handles It All
Hi Parents,
This article was in the 4/4/2010 issue of Parade. One of our staff members turned me onto it, and I thought it was worth sharing.
Click on the title of this post and it will take you to the article.
-Adrienne Wilson
Children's Librarian
This article was in the 4/4/2010 issue of Parade. One of our staff members turned me onto it, and I thought it was worth sharing.
Click on the title of this post and it will take you to the article.
-Adrienne Wilson
Children's Librarian
Monday, March 22, 2010
Advanced Readers Book Lists
Good guides available at EWML for parents of ‘tween readers!”
Oooppps! Jen and Jonnie can read! And, well beyond their grade level, too! So, what’s the problem? Well, it could be that your avid reader has informed you that he or she has outgrown the fiction classified as “J,” in other words “too babyish.”
Your reading wizard’s comprehension may be light years ahead of his or her chronological age when it comes to vocabulary, but is a 10 or 11 year-old socially mature enough to be exposed to some of the topics explored in novels designated for “young adults?” Only you, as a parent, can answer that question, but how do you find time to preview each and every book your child wants to check out? How you judge a book by its cover?
Here, at EWML, we can help you meet this “reading challenge.”
Just ask to see the lists of age appropriate titles available at the adult reference desk, the desk in the children’s library, and the great guide books on the Parenting shelf in the children’s library.
-Pat Salerno
Library Aide
Oooppps! Jen and Jonnie can read! And, well beyond their grade level, too! So, what’s the problem? Well, it could be that your avid reader has informed you that he or she has outgrown the fiction classified as “J,” in other words “too babyish.”
Your reading wizard’s comprehension may be light years ahead of his or her chronological age when it comes to vocabulary, but is a 10 or 11 year-old socially mature enough to be exposed to some of the topics explored in novels designated for “young adults?” Only you, as a parent, can answer that question, but how do you find time to preview each and every book your child wants to check out? How you judge a book by its cover?
Here, at EWML, we can help you meet this “reading challenge.”
Just ask to see the lists of age appropriate titles available at the adult reference desk, the desk in the children’s library, and the great guide books on the Parenting shelf in the children’s library.
-Pat Salerno
Library Aide
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
We Moved Our Parenting Shelf
Hi Parents,
Just letting you know, that we recently relocated our Parenting Collection to the far left side of the Children's Play Area. You'll see it on your left, when you enter the area. We did this, because often when children are playing with the train table-it's hard for adults to get to those parenting books. We hope this helps out a bit.
Stay tuned for more news!
Just letting you know, that we recently relocated our Parenting Collection to the far left side of the Children's Play Area. You'll see it on your left, when you enter the area. We did this, because often when children are playing with the train table-it's hard for adults to get to those parenting books. We hope this helps out a bit.
Stay tuned for more news!
Friday, January 22, 2010
My Papa Diego and Me: Bilingual Book Review by Lorenzo

“My Papa Diego and Me: Memories of My Father and His Art”
“Mi papa Diego y yo, Recuerdos de mi padre y su arte”
By Guadalupe Rivera Marín
Artwork by Diego Rivera
J 759.972 RIV
Hola, madres y padres,
Buenas noticias! I have good news for everyone who would like to escape the chill of a New England day! Just slip between the covers of my libro favorito de enero, my favorite book for January: “My Papa Diego and Me/ Mi papa Diego y yo,” by Guadalupe Rivera Marín. You will find it on display with the new picture books.
Sí, that’s the one! The beautiful painting on the cover is by the famous Mexican painter Diego Rivera. ¿Qué? You say that you already know all about him? Bueno, OK. But, perhaps, not everything. Por favor, look inside! Unas sorpresas hermosas, beautiful surprises, are waiting for you. With each full page reproduction of Rivera’s paintings, Picos, the little girl who posed for “Picos con naranja” shares her recuerdos, her intimate memories and her love of Diego Rivera, who just happened to be her papá.
The paintings chosen by Dr. Marín (Picos) for this book record the life and customs in Mexico in the 20th Century: mothers and children working together in the flower market, children happily breaking a piñata at a fiesta; children walking in “La Procesión” celebrating Las Posadas. ¡Mira! Do you see the women braiding one another’s hair in “Mujeres peinándose?” Did you know that braids were required in those days? ¡Verdad! Really!
Bueno! Enough! I don’t want to tell you everything. I hope you will want to see for yourself. Rivera Marín has written in both Spanish and English so that niños of all ages can enjoy her special stories about the paintings and the secret, tender side of her famous papá.
Muralist Diego Rivera spent his life picturing his beloved Mexico. Por eso, it seems to be the perfect time to read Pico’s story, “My Papa Diego and Me/Mi papá Diego y yo.” Por favor, please join in EWML’s celebration of “Picturing America” by including this unique memoir(appropriate for all ages) about the “picturing” of Mexico, our North American neighbor just south of the border.
Qué se diviertan! Enjoy!
Su amigo,
“Mi papa Diego y yo, Recuerdos de mi padre y su arte”
By Guadalupe Rivera Marín
Artwork by Diego Rivera
J 759.972 RIV
Hola, madres y padres,
Buenas noticias! I have good news for everyone who would like to escape the chill of a New England day! Just slip between the covers of my libro favorito de enero, my favorite book for January: “My Papa Diego and Me/ Mi papa Diego y yo,” by Guadalupe Rivera Marín. You will find it on display with the new picture books.
Sí, that’s the one! The beautiful painting on the cover is by the famous Mexican painter Diego Rivera. ¿Qué? You say that you already know all about him? Bueno, OK. But, perhaps, not everything. Por favor, look inside! Unas sorpresas hermosas, beautiful surprises, are waiting for you. With each full page reproduction of Rivera’s paintings, Picos, the little girl who posed for “Picos con naranja” shares her recuerdos, her intimate memories and her love of Diego Rivera, who just happened to be her papá.
The paintings chosen by Dr. Marín (Picos) for this book record the life and customs in Mexico in the 20th Century: mothers and children working together in the flower market, children happily breaking a piñata at a fiesta; children walking in “La Procesión” celebrating Las Posadas. ¡Mira! Do you see the women braiding one another’s hair in “Mujeres peinándose?” Did you know that braids were required in those days? ¡Verdad! Really!
Bueno! Enough! I don’t want to tell you everything. I hope you will want to see for yourself. Rivera Marín has written in both Spanish and English so that niños of all ages can enjoy her special stories about the paintings and the secret, tender side of her famous papá.
Muralist Diego Rivera spent his life picturing his beloved Mexico. Por eso, it seems to be the perfect time to read Pico’s story, “My Papa Diego and Me/Mi papá Diego y yo.” Por favor, please join in EWML’s celebration of “Picturing America” by including this unique memoir(appropriate for all ages) about the “picturing” of Mexico, our North American neighbor just south of the border.
Qué se diviertan! Enjoy!
Su amigo,
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Children's Award Winners Annouced!
Hi Parents,
The American Library Association's committee for choosing the Newberry and Caldecott Awards has annouced the picks for 2010. Here they are:
Newbery Medal
"When You Reach Me," written by Rebecca Stead, published by Wendy Lamb Books, an imprint of Random House Children's Books
Newbery Honor Books
"Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice" written by Phillip Hoose, published by Melanie Kroupa Books/Farrar Straus Giroux, an imprint of Macmillan Children's Publishing Group
"The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate" written by Jacqueline Kelly, published by Henry Holt and Company
"Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" written by Grace Lin, published by Little Brown and Company Books for Young Readers
"The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg" written by Rodman Philbrick, published by The Blue Sky Press, an imprint of Scholastic Inc.
Caldecott Medal
"The Lion and the Mouse" illustrated and written by Jerry Pinkney, published by Little, Brown and Company Books for Young Readers
Caldecott Honor Books
"All the World" illustrated by Marla Frazee, written by Liz Garton Scanlon, published by Beach Lane Books
"Red Sings from Treetops: A Year in Colors" illustrated by Pamela Zagarenski, written by Joyce Sidman, puslished by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The American Library Association's committee for choosing the Newberry and Caldecott Awards has annouced the picks for 2010. Here they are:
Newbery Medal
"When You Reach Me," written by Rebecca Stead, published by Wendy Lamb Books, an imprint of Random House Children's Books
Newbery Honor Books
"Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice" written by Phillip Hoose, published by Melanie Kroupa Books/Farrar Straus Giroux, an imprint of Macmillan Children's Publishing Group
"The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate" written by Jacqueline Kelly, published by Henry Holt and Company
"Where the Mountain Meets the Moon" written by Grace Lin, published by Little Brown and Company Books for Young Readers
"The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg" written by Rodman Philbrick, published by The Blue Sky Press, an imprint of Scholastic Inc.
Caldecott Medal
"The Lion and the Mouse" illustrated and written by Jerry Pinkney, published by Little, Brown and Company Books for Young Readers
Caldecott Honor Books
"All the World" illustrated by Marla Frazee, written by Liz Garton Scanlon, published by Beach Lane Books
"Red Sings from Treetops: A Year in Colors" illustrated by Pamela Zagarenski, written by Joyce Sidman, puslished by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Updates to our Website
Hello Parents,
Just wanted to let you know, that we recently went through our children's web guide page, and updated links, and added new ones. Take a moment to look it over. These are great websites for your kids to do research, or just explore.
Adrienne Wilson
Children's Librarian
Just wanted to let you know, that we recently went through our children's web guide page, and updated links, and added new ones. Take a moment to look it over. These are great websites for your kids to do research, or just explore.
Adrienne Wilson
Children's Librarian
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